We're Upgrading! 🚧 Our webshop is currently under construction as we work on exciting improvements to serve you better. Stay tuned—we’ll be back soon with a fresh new experience!

Ling & Sons NV. Customer Agreement



Our delivery service is available from Monday to Friday from 8am- 4pm and Saturday from 8am-11.30am. A minimum purchase of Afl. 100, - is required to place your order. Once your order is received a representative will contact you on the day of delivery to confirm your order and provide the status of your order. Order confirmation on day of delivery must be received before 11am. Delivery Fee is Awg 10.00.

Same day delivery is only possible when order has been received before 10am from Monday to Friday and confirmed by email or telephone before 11am. Same day delivery is not possible on Saturday.

Groceries will be delivered at the lobby and you will be contacted when to meet the driver there.

Orders placed on Saturday and on Sunday will be processed on Monday

Delivery time Monday-Friday between 11.00am and 3.30pm              Delivery time Saturday between 9.30am and 11.30am

Deliveries to Santa Cruz-Pos Chikito-Savaneta-San Nicolas Area are scheduled for Mondays & Thursdays

The Delivery service is not available on Sundays.

Pick up
The pickup service is available from Monday to Friday from 8am- 4.30pm. Saturdays from 8am – 12pm. A minimum purchase of Alf. 100,- is required to place your pickup order. Once your order is received a representative will contact you on the day of pick-up to confirm your order and provide the status of your order. Order confirmation on day of pick-up must be received before 2pm.

Same day pick-up is only possible when order has been received before 1pm from Monday to Friday and confirmed before 2pm or received before 9am and confirmed before 10am  on Saturday.

All orders placed on Saturday after 10am and Sunday will be processed on Monday.

The Pickup service is not available on Sundays.

We accept cash, debit or credit payment. You will receive your final receipt upon payment when the delivery takes place or at the Pickup point.

Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with an item or have a damaged item, please send us a picture of the item and a copy of the receipt at rgeerman@lingiga.com or at dhenriquez@lingiga.com. Returns and or exchanges are honored within 3 working days after purchase. No cash back returns.

Checkout Order Notes
If you need a product from our assortment that is not available on our online shop, you may add this item in the checkout order notes. Please write the name, brand, size and quantity of the item and we will add it to your order. Please note that these items are not calculated in your order total when placing your order in the online shop, but will appear in your final receipt.

Final Receipt
When you place your order in the online shop, an estimate of the order total for your groceries will be shown. The actual total price of your groceries is determined after preparing, weighing and adding any extra items that were not directly available from the online shop to your order. You will receive the actual total price of your order once your order is ready for delivery or pickup.